Clwydian Hills Fell Race
15.2km 940m AM LK NS

The next race is on Sunday 27th Oct0ber 2024 – 11am start.

  • Online entry (£7.50) & registrations on day (£8.50)
  • Grid ref: SJ 177 653 , SatNav postcode CH7 5NN
  • Main race (over 18 only)

Entries Open at racesignup

Sign up to Clwydian Hills Fell Race

Getting to Cilcain: Waterworks postcode is CH7 5PF. The final couple of miles to the village is on narrow roads except the road in from the A541 so allow a little extra time and drive safely. The best road into the village comes off the Mold-Denbigh A541 – which at least has white lines!

Parking:  VERY limited parking at the Waterworks. Suggest parking at the Viewpoint parking or in the village and walking down.

Please park respectful of the residents – don’t block gates, driveways, junctions, etc. There is good parking at the viewpoint parking above the village.

Kit Dump: There will be a kit dump for you to leave bags, car keys, etc. at the village hall which will be fully staffed whilst you are out on the fells.

Kit Requirements: See attached Race Info sheet for more detail. The weather can be grim on the fells during October and although it has been kind for a number of years you should prepare for the worst. The suggestion is to Wear or Carry the lot! As a Category A race (Hard) it is mandatory to CARRY:

  • Windproof full body cover
  • You may be asked to carry – Waterproof full body cover
  • Map
  • Compass
  • Whistle
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Sufficient food & drink to finish the race

Registration: Village hall from 9am

Race Brief: 10 mins before race at start line (Water Works)

Race Start: 11am

After Race: Refreshments will be served in the village hall afterwards

Cilcain Water Works, Cilcain, CH7 5PF

  • Race Start – Water Works – 11.00am
  • Race Finish – village hall – 12.15pm-2.00pm

Race Map 2024 (since 2015) – Note finish now at Village Hall

Race Info Sheet – TBC